Admission Arrangements
If you are interested in applying for a school place at Morven Park Primary, we would be delighted for you to arrange a visit and have a look around. Please contact the school office (01623 459395) to arrange a convenient time.
NCC Determined Admission Arrangements
The Local Authority controls the school's admissions arrangements. Please read the information given below which gives details of the admission arrangements for the school. Clicking on the link will take you straight to the Nottinghamshire County Council web page relating to school admissions where you will find everything you need. Any queries regarding admissions should be made with the Local Authority. Tel: 0300 500 8080
If you are requiring a place in nursery (Foundation 1) then please contact the school office to complete a Nursery Waiting list application form.
* This link is for parents with children starting full time school in Reception class.
Applying for school places for Reception
* This link is for parents who wish to join the school at any another time during the academic year, and will help you through the process of applying for a place if you are considering joining us.
* This link is for parents wishing to appeal a school admissions decision.