Regular school attendance is vital to ensure that children can maximise their education opportunities.
Good school habits are best started early. Children learn from those around them and you as parents/carers set the standards and expectations for your child. By showing your child the importance of attending school every day it not only helps them to settle quickly when starting school but helps them to keep and maintain friendships and enjoy school.
Guidance for Parents
Morven Park Primary School is committed to providing the best possible education for your child. We believe that children can only benefit from this through regular school attendance. We will, therefore, strive to achieve the maximum possible attendance for all pupils and will make sure that any problems are identified and resolved. This will be achieved by school staff, pupils, parents, carers and external agencies all working together as a team.
How you can help to give your child a good education
Ensure your child attends school regularly and that they arrive on time.
Take family holidays outside of term time, ie, there are 13 weeks each year which are outside term time.
Help your child to prepare for the school day by ensuring they have done their homework and they have everything they need for the day ahead, reading journal, PE kit etc.
Holidays during term time
Morven Park Primary School will be following Nottinghamshire County Council guidelines to proceed with enforcement for unauthorised absences due to holidays. This applies to all children of legal school age. Absences in excess of 5 days/10 sessions over a 6 week period for the purpose of a family holiday may lead to a request to the Local Authority to issue a Penalty Notice. Penalty Notices may be issued to each parent for each child of legal school age to whom unauthorised absence applies.
Penalty Notice fines are £160 per parent, per child (this is reduced to £80 for payment within 21 days) for the first offence.
Penalty Notice fine for the second offence within 3 years are £160 per parent, per child to be paid within 28 days.
No reduced rate will be offered. Penalty Notice fine for the third offence and any further offences within 3 years will be presented straight to the Magistrates Court.The maximum fine for this offence can be up to £2500 per parent, per child. Cases found guilty in Magistrates Court can show on a Parent’s future DBS certificate, due to failure to safeguard a child’s education.