History at Morven Park Primary has always been an important and much enjoyed foundation subject. The History curriculum at Morven Park is carefully planned and structured to ensure that children’s current learning is linked to previous learning, giving them an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the rich History of their locality, as well as helping pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It is our intent that the teaching of History at Morven Park will inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past, enabling them to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgement. Through the teaching of History, we endeavour to help children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
At Morven Park Primary School, in conjunction with the aims of the National Curriculum (2014), our History teaching will offer opportunities for children to:
know and understand the history of Britain as a coherent, chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present day: how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world
know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world: the nature of ancient civilisations; the expansion and dissolution of empires and characteristic features of past non-European societies.
gain and deploy a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms such as ‘empire’, ‘civilisation’, ‘parliament’ and ‘peasantry’
understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, pose historically valid questions and create their own written accounts and narratives.
understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used to make historical claims, and understand how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed
Teachers create a positive attitude to History learning in their classroom, with emphasis on encouraging curiosity and enjoyment of the topic. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the academic year.
Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of History involves the following;
History will be taught in planned and arranged topic blocks by the class teacher throughout the year, so that children achieve depth in their learning. Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills of each topic and consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics within each year group throughout the school. By the end of year 6, children will have a chronological understanding of British history from the Stone Age to the present day. They will be able to draw comparisons and make connections between different time- periods and their own lives. Interlinked with this are studies of world history, such as the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece and the Mayans.
Outcomes in topic and English books evidence a broad and balanced history curriculum and demonstrate the children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge.
At Morven Park Primary themed days, visitors and school visits will be used within the History curriculum to develop a deeper understanding of the time- periods studied and to inspire the children so that they have a lifelong love of History.
At Morven Park Primary, History will be monitored by the subject leader throughout all year groups using a variety of strategies such as; book scrutinises, lesson observations, staff discussions and pupil interviews. Evidence from this monitoring should indicate:
Children will know more, remember more and understand more about History.
Children will understand and use the key skills of chronological understanding, Knowledge and understanding of events in the past, Historical interpretation, Historical enquiry and organisation and communication.
Children will become increasingly aware of how historical events have shaped the world that they currently live in.
They will have a clear understanding of History on a local level.
Where applicable, children will have encountered or participated in high-quality visits/visitors to further appreciate the impact of History.
Children will retain prior learning and make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.
As Historians, children will develop enquiry skills to pursue their own interests within a topic, allowing them to learn lessons from History, which could influence the decisions they make in their lives in the future.